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For After Hours Clinics call 905-766-3079


The location of the after hours clinic changes depending on the doctor on call. When you call the above number you will be told who is on call for that day.


Our after hours clinic is open Monday to Thursday 5 pm to 8 pm and Saturday 10 am to 1 pm




We strongly discourage the use of walk in clinics. 

If you need to see a doctor for medical care:

1) Call our office and see if we can accommodate you reasonably within the next few days

2) If it is urgent call our office as soon as possible to see if we can accommodate you the same day

3) If you cannot wait for an appointment and must be seen right away call the after hours  number 905-766-3079 and see one of our on call doctors.

4) If it is an emergency please go to the closest hospital emergency department.

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